Hiking in the countryside around San Gimignano

With a specially-prepared map, freely available on arrival, you can follow 6 walks which begin and end at Il Rosolaccio. 

The hikes are of varying difficulty and depending on your choice take between 40 minutes and 4 hours to complete. 

Each path has its own course traced on a map, textual description and can be followed on the internet while you are walking by copying a QR-code on your smartphone. 

On your way you will discover natural beauties, from wildlife to ancient sea fossils, as well as historical and architectural wonders from a millenarian crypt to Etruscan tombs to the famous, medieval Pilgrim's way or Franks road which connected Canterbury to Rome. 

'Westward Paths from Il Rosolaccio', contains 6 treks 
- The Via Francigena and foreign aristocracy, 13,1km, 3hours 3minutes
- 1,000 year-old crypt at Badia Elmi, 8,1km, 1hour 56minutes
- Botro of Forciano is a truffles haven, 8,1km, 1hour 53 minutes
- Pilgrim's rest at Cellole in Pan's forest, 15,7 km, 3hours 40minutes
- Environmental diversity around San Michele, 2,5km, 40minutes  
- Fossildom, a 5 milion year-old sea, 4,3km, 1hour 10minutes